
All posts tagged ftp

Walkthrough of an inital enumeration of a Windows machine.

Challenge Questions

We can answer most of the questions after a bit more sophisticated Nmap scan but I’ll present other routes as well.

What is the highest port number being open less than 10,000?

There is an open port outside the common 1000 ports; it is above 10,000. What is it?

How many TCP ports are open?

What is the flag hidden in the HTTP server header?

What is the version of the FTP server listening on a non-standard port?

Optionally we could get the HTTP server header using the Telnet tool.

We could get it with the use of Curl as well as a last resort.

The next question shall be answered using the Hydra password cracker specifying the special FTP port in use.

We learned two usernames using social engineering: eddie and quinn. What is the flag hidden in one of these two account files and accessible via FTP?

The final question to be completed by browsing to the machine in the browser and initiating an Nmap TCP Null scan. This is the least obtrusive type of Nmap scan with no TCP flags included in the packet. The target will be puzzled with it so will not reply and it is the clear indication of being the port open. If the target responds with a reset (RST) packet that means the port is closed on the device.

What is the flag?

Thanks for reading and as always, any feedback is most welcome.

Walkthrough of exploiting a chat program on a Windows machine.

Initial scanning

Let us start with our usual Nmap scan which shows 3 open TCP ports, 22, 3389 and 9999. The slightly more interesting one is the highest which is used by the Brainstorm chat service however all ports should be investigated. 

A more specific Nmap scan shows us that anonymous FTP login is allowed.

Accessing Files

We can find 2 files in the chatserver directory, the chatserver executable itself and the essfunc dll support file. Let’s get them to have a look. Do not forget to switch to binary mode before the transfer to avoid errors.


Ok, so now we have the files, but a proper investigation should be carried out on a Windows machine. We can use another THM box for this purpose. Due to the fact that this room is about buffer overflow exploitation, the best to transfer it to a BOF-related Windows machine like the BufferOverFlowPrep one on which we already have the necessary tools to play with them. Let’s start our usual HTTP server and download the files from Windows Explorer.

Upon connecting to the chatserver running on the Windows machine with Netcat from our attacker machine we can see that it works as expected.

After opening the process with Immunity Debugger let’s try to crash it with overloading the memory stack buffer. First let us generate 2000 A’s with python then sending it as a message.

Well, it has no effect on the chatserver. Let’s generate a bit more A’s with repeating the steps from above with the number of 3000. Yeah.. that crashes the server as we can see it stops in Immunity as well overwritting the EIP (Extended Instruction Pointer) with 41414141 in ASCII which represents our A’s from the chat message field.

Ok, so now we know that the process is vulnerable to BOF-attacks but we do not know where exactly the crash happens between 2000 and 3000 bytes of payload. Let’s find it out using a Python fuzzer script which can be found in the same room.

After quickly re-attaching and restarting the chatserver.exe – CTRL + F2 -> F9 – let’s run the fuzzer script against the process.

It crashes the process at 2200 bytes it seems. Now what we need to find is where exactly the payload lands in the EIP register of the process in order not only crashing but to hijack the chatserver.exe. So what is needed to be done is to generate a unique pattern which would allow us to map the memory. We can do that using a Mona script in the debugger itself.

Now, as the log window suggests, we should copy the created pattern from the relevant text file, so let’s do that.

Placing the generated code into our fuzzer script.

After sending the payload with our modified fuzzer script the process crashes as shown in the debugger.

Now that we now the exact entry point it is high time to calculate the offset of the EIP which is basically the relative memory space occupied by it. That is to be achieved by another Mona script in the debugger by quering the EIP 31704330. It comes back with a result of 2012 bytes.

We have enough space as but we need some more for the reverse shellcode itself. To check this we make some slight modifications  to our fuzzer script adding the exact offset size discovered, changing the ending of A’s to B’s to get that identifiable more easily and also adding some padding as C’s to distinguish the extra space needed.

After rerunning the script against the chatserver process, we can see that our C’s has overwritten the ESP (Extended Stack Pointer) as expected which means that we have enough space for the shellcode as well.

The next step should be to find the bad characters. Bad chars are basically just a bunch of unwanted characters that can break shell codes. Every application is different in acceptance of them and should be evaluated on a case by case basis but as this is a bit cumbersome process let’s just download a list of them from here and add it to our script as payload temporarily too see how the chatserver process reacts to it.

After running it against the program as usual we shall generate a bad char bytearray in Immunity with Mona as well to get it compared with ours to see whether any is missing which would render the execution of our shellcode.

The results of the comparison with following the ESP register at the time of crash is satisfactory, there is no uncovered bad character it seems. The only bad chars present are the null byte and its adjacent character which is also normal.

Our last move is to find the location of the JMP ESP memory address to point to our shellcode. A Mona script help us out again. Let’s do it after our usual CTRL+F2 -> F9 routine.

Mona has found 9 pointers, let’s use the first one placing it into our modified fuzzer script in Little-Endian format swapping the B’s currently there. Little-Endian is basically changing the order of the address starting with the least significant byte from the end. So, instead of 62-50-14-df we will use df-14-50-62. Also we need to generate an msfvenom reverse shell payload and placing that into the script too. Finally let’s change the padding to 20 non-operational bytes to avoid any potential memory attrition.

So, the final attack script would look like the one below.

Now before re-attaching and restarting the chatserver process and running the exploit code let’s not to forget our Netcat listener on the port which was identified in the msfvenom code. After running the script we should get back a reverse shell.

Ok, so it works against the test machine, let’s attack now our target machine and get the root flag as it should come back with a system shell.

After gaining access, what is the content of the root.txt file?

Thanks for reading and as always, any feedback is most welcome.

Walkthrough of exploiting a Linux machine via Samba shares and a vulnerable version of a proftpd FTP server. Privileges escalation with path variable manipulation afterwards.

Deploy the vulnerable machine

We shall do a quick Nmap scan at first right after spinning up the VM.

How many ports are open?

Enumerating Samba for shares

Samba is a suite of apps using the SMB (Server Message Block) protocol. In the everyday life is mostly about the Windows – Unix communication, file access, printing, shared resources etc. We shall run a dedicated Nmap script against the machine for further enumeration. SMB has generally two open ports, 139 and 445. Port 139 is for communication over NetBIOS on the application layer. Port 445 is utilized by the newer version of SMB (after Windows 2000) and it allows SMB to communicate over the Internet.

Using the nmap command above, how many shares have been found?

Let us connect to the shares with the smbclient tool.

What is the file we can see?

The file can be downloaded with the “get” command. Let’s open the file with the “cat” command. It contains interesting information like:

  • Information generated for Kenobi when generating an SSH key for the user
  • Information about the ProFTPD server.

What port is FTP running on?

Our earlier Nmap port scan showed port 111 running the service rpcbind. This is just a server that converts remote procedure call (RPC) program number into universal addresses. It basically tells rpcbind the address at which it is listening and the RPC program number its prepared to serve. In our case, port 111 is access to a network file system. Let’s use Nmap to enumerate this as well.

What mount can we see?

Gain initial access with ProFtpd

ProFtpd is a free and open-source FTP server, compatible with Unix and Windows systems. Its also been vulnerable in the past software versions. Lets get the version of ProFtpd. Use netcat to connect to the machine on the FTP port.

What is the version?

We can use searchsploit to find exploits for a particular software version. Searchsploit is basically just a command line search tool for exploit-db.com.

How many exploits are there for the ProFTPd running?

There is an exploit for the mod_copy module of ProFTPD. This module implements SITE CPFR and SITE CPTO commands, which can be used to copy files/directories from one place to another on the server. Any unauthenticated client can leverage these commands to copy files from any part of the filesystem to a chosen destination. We know that the FTP service is running as the Kenobi user (from the file on the share) and an ssh key is generated for that user. We’re now going to copy Kenobi’s private key using SITE CPFR and SITE CPTO commands.

As we knew that the /var directory was a mount from above, we could have moved Kenobi’s private key to the /var/tmp directory. As a next step, let’s mount the /var/tmp directory to our machine.

We now have a network mount on our deployed machine. We can go to /var/tmp and get the private key then login to Kenobi’s account.

What is Kenobi’s user flag (/home/kenobi/user.txt)?

Privilege Escalation with Path Variable Manipulation

SUID bits can be dangerous, some binaries such as passwd need to be run with elevated privileges (as it can reset passwords of a system). Let us search the a system for these type of files.

What file looks particularly out of the ordinary?

Running the binary, how many options appear?

Strings is a command on Linux that looks for human readable strings on a binary. This shows us the binary is running without a full path (e.g. not using /usr/bin/curl or /usr/bin/uname). As this file runs with root privileges, we can manipulate our path to gain a root shell.

What is the root flag?

We copied the /bin/sh shell, called curl, gave it the correct permissions and then putting its location in our path. This means when the /usr/bin/menu binary runs, it uses our path variable to find the “curl” binary. As this is actually a version of /usr/sh and runs as root it also runs our shell as root.

Thanks for reading and as always, any feedback is most welcome.