
All posts tagged john

Walkthrough of a Linux machine exploitation attacking a blind SQL injection vulnerability in a Joomla CMS account then privilege escalation by taking advantage of Yum package manager.

Deploying the vulnerable machine and initial enumeration

From our usual Nmap scan we can see that 3 TCP ports are open (22, 80, 3306) on a CentOS Linux machine.  A Joomla content manager runs on the Apache webserver and MySQL MariaDB database there is in the backend.

Another more specific Nmap scan comes back with some even more interesting info with regards to port 80 and Joomla.

What is the Joomla version?

Let’s find some exploits for the vulnerability spotted by Nmap.

Exploiting CVE-2017-8917

We are going to use Sqlmap as suggested in the exploit description with some slight modifications. Most importantly I have taken out the “–level” switch entirely as the Nmap scan classified the vulnerability as critical (CVSS 9.8) meaning that the exploitation could be easier. We can save some time in this way as it would not need that many payloads to be run against the weaknesses. As we can see below a user with it’s password hash is successfully carved out from the database table.

After saving the hash into a text file let us crack it with John.

What is Jonah’s cracked password?

Now we have the Jonah’s password, so let us login to Joomla via the admin URL which was found by an earlier Nmap scan above. The plan is to get a reverse shell by modifying a PHP Joomla template with embedding suitable reverse TCP exploit code into it. Let’s navigate to our proposed nest template which is the “index.php” in the “Protostar” theme. We can take out all the comments from the beginning of the exploit code to save some space. Also do not forget to modify the IP-address of your machine and the desired port number which should match with the port number of your Netcat listener. After inserting the exploit code at the top of the index.php, let’s save it.

Then upon navigating to the corresponding URL of the website we should receive a reverse shell on our listener.

Privilege Escalation

Let us spawn an interactive pty shell quick, then we have to raise our privileges from the webserver user to root. We might poke around for some credentials and found some in the webserver directory.

Luckily that works with the only user found on the machine, so we are fortunate enough to answer to another question.

What is the user flag?

Now let us login with SSH as we know a user and his password as well and check his privileges. 

What we can see is that he is able to run the Yum package manager which can be forced to spawn a root shell by loading a custom plugin according to GTFOBins.

All we have to do is just copy-paste the lines into the terminal one by one.

What is the root flag?

Thanks for reading and as always, any feedback is most welcome.

Walkthrough of a Linux machine exploitation attacking SQL database, cracking some credentials and gaining root privileges with Metasploit payload.

Deploying the vulnerable machine

What is the name of the large cartoon avatar holding a sniper on the forum?

Obtain access via SQLi

The Nmap scan shows 2 services, SSH and HTTP but not much additional information.

There is an SQL database underneath to abuse via the login page. Our input is put into the SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = :username AND password := password query in the backend. If we put ‘ or 1=1 — – into the user field that authenticates the session as 1=1 is always true, it returns all of the values.

This allows us to bypass the login page.

What page are we get redirected to?

Using SQLMap

First of all we need to intercept a request via this search feature of the site using BurpSuite. 

After catching and saving the whole POST request into a text file we could pass it to SQLMap to use our authenticated user session.

In the users table, what is the hashed password?

What was the username associated with the hashed password?

What was the other table name?

Cracking a password with JohnTheRipper

What is the de-hashed password?

What is the user flag?

Exposing services with reverse SSH tunnels

First of all we have to do some internal enumeration dumping the traffic flowing through the sockets with the tool Ss which is basically a replacement for the Netstat command.

Tcp 10000 is open but blocked by a firewall rule as there was no sign of it during the initial Nmap scan. In a situation like this we can circumvent the block with port forwarding. Local SSH tunneling makes it possible to forward the port from a remote machine back to the local machine.

This means that the same Nmap scan now is able to detect the port and service of the machine via

This can also be confirmed in our webbrowser.

What is the name of the exposed CMS?

What is the CMS version?

Privilege Escalation with Metasploit

Looking for potential exploits we have got a couple Metasploit ones.

Two important things to keep in mind with the tunneling, first of all the SSH port forwarding must be alive during the Metasploit exploit and the second thing is a consequence of this namely that the RHOST will be the local machine, not the victim in the lab.

Thanks for reading and as always, any feedback is most welcome.

Walkthrough of a Windows machine exploitation leveraging common misconfigurations.


This is a very basic and simple to work on machine clearly just for educational purposes. Let us initate a comprehesive vulnerability Nmap script scan against the machine.

How many ports are open with a port number under 1000?

What is this machine vulnerable to?

Gaining Access

We are going to leverage this vulnerability which is also known as Eternal Blue. This exploits a weakness in the Microsoft implementation of SMBv1 allowing the attacker to run arbitrary code on the victim systems. Let’s spin up Metasploit and initiate an attack against the system.


Let us background the existing shell with CTRL+Z and upgrade it to a Meterpreter shell as follows. Use the “post/multi/manage/shell_to_meterpreter” post module, add the IP-address of the localhost again, associate the existing session with the module and run it against the victim. As you can see below, another session is created, so all we need to do afterwards is just switching over to that session.

Let’s list out all the processes in order to migrate our current process to an elevated one which is running as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM. The reason behind this is even if we are system it does not necessarily mean that our current process is also at system level. Good choices of processes would be Powershell or for example cmd but we chose the Console Host process below as it houses applications that use the command line.


We do have full control of the victim machine now, so let us dump the hashes from the SAM database from our elevated Meterpreter  shell.

What is the name of the non-default user?

Let’s copy this password hash to a file and crack it. What is the cracked password?

Finding the flags

Three flags planted on this machine, let’s find them, shall we.

Thanks for reading and as always, any feedback is most welcome.